Unhooked Media
Zephyr INS 6
Shepherd Lad KY 216
Franz Brentano
The objects of sensory experience are deceptive ... We have no right ... to believe that the objects of so-called external perception really exist as they appear to us. Indeed, they demonstrably do not exist outside of us. In contrast to that which really and truly exists, they are mere phenomena.
William Carlos Williams
This is the trap — either what we seek is within the bounds of the understanding or beyond it. If outside it does not exist for us, much less for our imagination; if inside it is bounded by that and must be so defined before it can be conceived — this precedes all further progress.
The Embodiment of Knowledge
Laconic, 1987
Sail/Waves 1 — postcard design
Let Perish the Money Tyrants
Peace to the Cottages —
War to the Arts Council
War to the Arts Council
I know noble accents
And lucid, inescapable rhythms;
But I know, too,
That the blackbird is involved
In what I know.
Wallace Stevens
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird